Encryption: Keeping your phone safe.

Encryption is used on most devices to protect information. It’s like a digital lock and passwords are the keys. Passwords are typically cracked using a method called a brute force hack. A brute force hack uses a computer to enter in a ton of passwords in a matter of seconds, using trial and error to crack a password. A four digit password could be cracked with the brute force method instantly.

The website how secure is my password will test a passwords strength against a brute force attack. An six digit word and three numbers would take 7 hours to crack, and a phrase that does not make sense, for example monkeytoastisgood, with 4 billion calculations a second, it would take about 8 million years to brute force hack. With the example monkeytoastisgood there are 26 different character combinations with 1 septillion possible combination.

On the iphone there is a pin that the user uses to protect their phone. The default is a four digit pin. They fix the brute force hack problem by making it so after so many attempts it will lock to phone for a few minutes. After 10 wrong attempts at the password it will erase the phone.

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