Net Neutrality: ISPs vs Everyone else

Net Neutrality is an agreement that states that all data on the internet is treated equally. Net Neutrality is hugely important because it gives startups and big business an even playing ground when it comes to internet service. Internet service providers(ISP) could benefit if there was no Net Neutrality.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was proposing a two tier system to change this. This would allow ISPs to charge tech companies for faster service. This would be at a cost that startups might not be able to afford. In other words there would be a fast lane and a slow lane on internet service.


One might think that big corporations would be fine without Net Neutrality because they could just pay a premium and get faster speed then their competition. Its not only “internet hippies” that support net neutrality, companies like Google, Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook all sign a letter supporting Net Neutrality.

Net Neutrality is the reason why Facebook could overpower Myspace. Cable companies are the ones that will benefit from the destruction of Net Neutrality.

The FCC has approved Net Neutrality, so data remains equal.

The information in this article was mostly from Last week tonight’s segment on Net Neutrality.



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